Registration Fees

The participation fees are quoted per person excluding VAT (VAT 3%).

  Early bird registration Standard registration
Regular attendee €680 €780
Student €350 €390
  • Early bird fee is valid before 14 August 2024.
  • Author registration deadline: 30 May 2024.

As part of LIST’s commitment to more sustainable events, we inform you that we will avoid printing and that no conference bag will be provided.

The registration fee includes access to the conference, coffee and refreshments, a lunch voucher, the welcome drink and the gala dinner.

Invoicing in the event of non-participation:
LIST must be informed of all absences/cancellations in writing as soon as possible by sending a mail to In the absence of different specific conditions, all cancellations are free of charge up to 14 days before the event. Any cancellations made after this deadline shall result in the payment of a sum calculated in the following way:

Number of days before the event Fees payable by the client
14-5 50% of the registration fee
4-1 80% of the registration fee


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