The Biopartitioning and Purification Conference - BPP 2024 is hosted by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and takes place from 15 to 18 September 2024.

The BPP 2024 Programme at a Glance  provides an overview of the conference schedule and programmed activities.
The content for each session is detailed below.

15 september 2024
16 september 2024
17 september 2024
18 september 2024
8.00 Registration Registration desk
8.30 8.30 - KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Roger-Marc Nicoud, CEO, Ypso-Facto 8.30 - KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Prof. Dr. Richard Willson, University of Houston (USA)  8.30 - KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Prof. Karsten Haupt, Université de Technologie de Compiègne (F)
  [Biopartitioning] [Downstream Processing] [Downstream & HR]
9.30 O16.01 O17.01 O18.01
10.00 O16.02 O17.02 O18.02
10.30 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
11.00 O16.03 O17.03 O18.03
11.30 O16.04 O17.04 O18.04
12.00 O16.05 O17.05 O18.05
12.30 Lunch Lunch Lunch
  [BPP Advances]   [Case Studies]
14.00 O16.06 KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Dr. Axel Schmidt, Clausthal University of Technology (D) O18.06
14.30 O16.07 O18.07
15.00 O16.08 Poster Session
(Room Equinoxe - Ground floor Sofitel)
15.30 Coffee Break Closing remarks and poster award
Next conference announcement
16.00 O16.09   Closing drink
16.30 O16.10 16.30 - Bus departure from Sofitel  
17.00 Conference Opening   17.00 - City Visit  
17.30 KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Prof. Emeritus Christopher R. Lowe, University of Cambridge (UK)    
(Room Primavera & Estate - Ground floor Sofitel)
19.00 - Conference Dinner
(Atrium - 1st floor Sofitel)
19.00 - Wine Tasting and Dinner Dinner
(Individual arrangements)
  • Conference room: Room Autunno & Inverno (Ground floor Sofitel)
  • Lunchs and coffee breaks: Room Primavera & Estate (Ground floor Sofitel)


  • O16.01 - Enhancing Bioprocessing through Continuous Microfluidic Systems
    Raquel Aires-Barros (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
  • O16.02 - A droplet-based microfluidic device based on ATPS for protein partitioning
    Mata-Gómez marco Arnulfo, Moreno Sibaja Federico, Hernández-Cid David, Cerón-Torres Daniel Abirán, Reyes-Avendaño Jorge, Gallo-Villanueva Roberto Carlos, Pérez-González Víctor Huego, Ceballos-Medina Javier (Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico)
  • O16.03 - Bio-based ionic liquids for dissolving biopolymers and extracting bioactive compounds
    Bouquillon S.; Mbakidi J.P. (Reims Institute of Molecular Chemistry UMR CNRS 7312 - University of Reims
    Champagne-Ardenne, France)
  • O16.04 - Aqueous two-phase systems for short DNA fragment extraction from plasma - a feasibility study
    Meutelet Rafaela, Bisch Lea, Hubbuch Jürgen (Institute of Process Engineering in Life Sciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany)
  • O16.05 - About analytical applications of aqueous two-phase partitioning – again*
    Zaslavsky Boris (1), Madeira Pedro (1), Uversky Vladimir (2) (1 - Aveiro University, Portugal, 2 - University of South Florida, United States)
  • O16.06 - Buffalo powder protein precipitation using tailored bio-based ionic liquids
    Rivas-Navia Denisse (1), Mbakidi Jean-Pierre (2), Torrens Serrahima (1), Bouquillon Sandrine (2), Bengoa Christophe (1) (1 - Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain, 2 - Université de Reims, France)
  • O16.07 - Exploring supported ionic liquids for IgY antibody purification
    Silva Amanda (1), Neves Marcia (2), Rangel-Yagui Carlota (1), Freire Mara (2) (1 - University of São Paulo – School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brazil, 2 - CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials, Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro; Portugal)
  • O16.08 - Embracing sustainability in curcuminoids extraction
    Bellaadem Assya (1), Mohaideen Kamal Khaja (1), C. Santos-Ebinuma Valeria (2), Likozar Blaž (1), Vicente Filipa A. (1) (1 - National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia, 2 - School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil)
  • O16.09 - Sustainable extraction of oils from insect biomass
    Branco luis Alexandre (LAQV-REQUIMTE, Portugal)
  • 016.10 - Aqueous Two-Phase System 3D Culture of Breast Cancer Cell Line MDA-MB-231
    Villarreal-Alejandre Javier, González-González Mirna, Rito-Palomares Marco (Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico)


  • O17.01 - Enhancing Sustainability in Bioproduction Through Advances in DSP Technology
    Kumm Elena, Arlt Carsten-Rene, Wege Jonas, Dabre Romain (Tosoh Bioscience, Germany)
  • O17.02 -  Implementation of multicolumn chromatography for continuous processes to lower ecological footprint
    Arlt Carsten-Rene, Kumm Elena (Tosoh Bioscience, Germany)
  • O17.03 - Optimizing Rapeseed Protein Purification: A Continuous Chromatographic Approach for Napin and Cruciferin Separation
    Arnecke Jonas (1), Börner Tim (1), Gillmann Jessica (1), León Sonseca Esther (1), Bothe Sarah (2), Frech Christian (1) (1 - University of Applied Sciences Mannheim, Germany, 2 - Pilot Pflanzenöltechnologie Magdeburg e. V. (PPM), Germany)
  • O17.04 - Advancements in Scale-Up Techniques: Modelling and Simulation in Membrane Chromatography for Charge Variant Separation
    Hedrich Jan (1), Simaev Viktor (1), Skudas Romas (2), Schulte Michael (2), Frech Christian (1) (1 - Hochschule Mannheim - University of Applied Sciences, Germany, 2 - Merck Life Science KGaA, Germany)
  • O17.05 - Direct Capture and Purification of Antifungal Peptide with a Continuous Fluidized Bed Riser Adsorption System
    Herlevi Lisa-Marie (1), Ferreira Guilherme (2), Fernandez Lahore Marcelo (1) (1 - Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg, 2 - Protera SAS, France)

  • O18.01 - Recombinant Engineering of Protein A Ligands for Improved Binding Capacity
    Van Alstine James (1), Bülow Leif, Chakane Sandeep (2) (1 - JMVA Biotech AB, Sweden, 2 - Division of Pure and Applied Biochemistry, Lund University, Sweden)
  • O18.02 - Understanding Antibody-Ligand Interactions on affinity chromatography
    Dias-Cabral Cristina (1), Rupert Tscheliessnig (2), Goncalo L. Silva (1-3), Jacek Plewka (2), Leo A. Jakob (2-3), Helga Lichtenegger (2), Alois Jungbauer (2-3) (1 - University of Beira Interior, Portugal, 2 - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria, 3 - Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology, Austria)
  • O18.03 - Heparin affinity chromatography as a platform process for the purification of HIV-1 gag VLPs
    Zollner Alexander (1), Jungbauer Alois (1-2), Pereira Aguilar Patricia (1-2) (1 - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien = University of Natural Resources and Life, Austria, 2 - Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology (acib), Austria)
  • O18.04 - Purification of a multiepitope pneumococcal vaccine candidate: challenges to deal with chimeric molecules
    Alves Vitor, Patricia Zorzete, Leme Isabelle, Passaro Ana Carolina, Goncalves Viviane (Instituto Butantan [São Paulo], Brazil)
  • O18.05 - Matrix design for protein chromatography using molecular imprinting**
    Zhang Ka, Ye Lei, Bülow Leif (Lund University (Pure and Applied Biochemistry, Dept of Chemistry Lund University, Sweden)

  • O18.06 - Purification and characterization of disordered proteins
    Lychko Iana (1-2), Soares Cátia (1-2), Domingos Catarina (1-2), Dias Margarida (1-2), Roque Ana (1-2) (1 - UCIBIO, Portugal, 2 - i4HB, Portugal)
  • O18.07 - Industrially scalable immunoaffinity chromatographic purification of plant-produced African horse sickness serotype 5 virus-like particles
    Mulondo Goodman (1), Tshiabola Tresor (2), Jarvis David (2), Van Zyl Albertha R. (1), Mbewana Sandiswa (1), Meyers Ann (1), Edward P. Rybicki (1), Inga I. Hitzeroth (1)  (1 - University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2 - Liselo Labs, South Africa)
  • O18.08 - Efficient Extraction of Alginate from Brown Seaweed Using Deep Eutectic Solvents
    Hiemstra Isa, Meinema Jenne, Eppink Michel, Wijffels René, Kazbar Antoinette (Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands)


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